Carbonology Skis

For latest pricing and availability of CARBONOLOGY skis, please contact us at

We are currently completing the pictures of the skis, but do reach out if you want prompt response – What’sApp 058 5879161

Sport is a Port Elizabeth based company in the Eastern Cape, South Africa where Hein Van Rooyen and Jason Goedhals work their magic.

Carbonology Sport was established in 2006 driven by a passion for Innovation, Technology, Quality and Value for money in producing composite products using the latest technologies and tested techniques.

The Carbonology team relocated their factory premise and have settled in well and have lost no time in producing their skis more efficiently, whilst they have also been redesigning and producing some of their skis.

The new models are the “X’ range. ie Boost X, Zest X, Flash X etc etc, so be sure to check out and try these exciting upgraded models.

Carbonology released their new ski for Elite paddlers – The Flash X.

Their focus for this ski has been on improved stability, comfort, whilst ensuring good speed for this ski as their initial model a few years back was too unstable for most paddlers. 

The original Flash mould was totally scrapped and this new one was carefully developed over a lengthy period of time until Carbonology were finally satisfied that the Flash X would be a suitable rival for all other brands of Elite level skis.

In view of the success of the low Volume Vault X and their new Flash X there has been no new development of the Pulse which is a low volume version of the old Flash surfski.

As with all the new X Models the following changes:
– lower humps with integrated water bottle holders for better leg drive and comfort;
– fottwels are also slightly wider and longer, giving better fit all round; 

– the back of the seats has a small cut away to release pressure on the paddlers backs with protruding bones; 
– leash plugs for leash attachment on the seat hump; 
– integrated bunghole made in the manufacturing process, not drilled afterwards. Equals less leaking; 
– integrated rubber tube mountains made in hull manufacturer with no drilling, much stronger and more accurate; 
– footwell bottom to hull clearance reduced to improve scupper mounting and seal the seating position heels lower; 
– improved Tooling and joggle moulds for improved joining, adding greater seam strength; 
– CNC cut internal stringers, improving fit and strength; 
– footplate, rudders, rudder caps etc have been strengthened and improved; 
– a one piece 2 mm dyneema line from the Tbar through pedals to ski attachment. 

Colours / decals / designs, bold and vibrant options. Please check out their Facebook and Insta pages and ask me if interested. 



Kids – Splash
The Splash is a great boat to introduce children to the sport of surfski paddling, but has also proven to be a hit with smaller intermediate women who struggle with the full sized boats in the Carbonology Sport range. The Splash has all the features that the full sized surfskis have to offer but on a reduced scale.

Length: 4.85m
Beam: 49.0cm
Seat Width: 38.0cm
Seat Depth: 17.0cm
Boat Height: 31.0cm
Paddlers weight range: 25 – 60kg

Construction, Weight:
Glass Epoxy Vacuum: 12.5kg
Hybrid Carbon/Glass Epoxy Vacuum: 11.5kg
Carbon Foam Epoxy Vacuum: 10.5kg

Cruze X 
Entry /developing paddler
The Cruze X is an entry level surf ski aimed at the beginner, recreational and fun segment of the paddling market. It features exceptional stability and comfort as well as some integrated features to reduce the barrier of entry into surf ski paddling.

True to this genre of ski, it’s flat and wide,  measuring 56cm behind the seatwell. The finish is brilliant, as we have come to expect from Carbonology. It has a broad seatwell, but the footwell is comfortably narrow. Adding to this thinking is a higher than average hump under the knees which contributes to minimizing the area that can take on water and removed via the bailers. The bailers are a pair of the super-efficient bullet bailers which now comes standard with Carbonology skis.

Add to this light, strong and direct full carbon pedals on a fully adjustable vertical pin rack, a watertight hatch ahead of the pedals and below the breathable rubber bung plug, carbon rudder and carbon steering assembly hatch – the outfitting is excellent.

The Cruze X comes with rigid plasticized handles at the nose and tail, and two soft-cover handles at the knees and at the exact midpoint of the boat weight-wise, make it easy to carry single-handedly.

On the water it is extremely stable and it has just enough rocker to make it lithe under pedal steering. As it’s a broad boat it takes some effort to get her up to high speeds, but this is somewhat offset by the light weight, so it’s not a major hurdle.

There is obviously an advantage to having a wider, high volume deck, front and back, when punching out through surf. The Cruze X lives on top of the white water making it very manageable. The large wetted surface area, behind the seatwell make picking up swell and runs easy, but cleverly the design includes a sharp V instead of a flat spoon tail shape. This really helps the boat track in surf swells and on runs.

The bottom line is that this is a fantastic recreational ski and an ideal ski to get started in as well as being a versatile ski that has serious potential as a multisport craft, especially for those who are not frequent paddlers and battle when conditions (wind and swell) are against them.

It handles like a dream; turns well, pops waves well, pulls out of waves well, does not nose dive, and is super stable.  

There is also a touring version available with watertight compartments and fishing rod holders.

You would need to pre order the Touring model !

Length: 5.5m
Beam: 56.0cm
Seat Width: 44.0cm
Seat Depth: 19.0cm
Boat Height: 33.0cm
Weight Class: 50-120kg

Construction, Weight:
Glass Epoxy Vacuum: 14.5kg
Hybrid Carbon/Glass Epoxy Vacuum: 12.5kg
Carbon Foam Epoxy Vacuum: 11.5kg
Carbon/Honeycomb Deck: 10.5kg
Carbon Full Honeycomb: 9.5kg

Bow and stern handles;
Dual side handles at the knees and at the exact midpoint of the boat weight-wise, make it a breeze to carry single-handedly; 
Rear deck rigging; 
Front cockpit watertight compartment;
Rear watertight compartment 70 litres (Touring Version only);
Integrated Fishing rod holders (Touring Version only);
Additional rear deck lines (Touring Version only).

Boost LV X

Low Volume ski for Beginner to Intermediate & beyond…
The Boost X LV (Low Volume) was developed for smaller framed paddlers.

It is a very stable, immensely popular surfski.

It is great value and perfect for Dubai conditions.

This ski has to be the very best all round ski !! Almost anyone can jump into this surfski and paddle so paddlers quickly gain confidence, can concentrate on improving their technique and go out on the water in nearly all conditions.

Length: 5.95m
Beam: 51.0cm
Seat Width: 42.0cm
Seat Depth: 17.0cm
Boat Height: 32.0cm
Weight Class:  50 – 90kg

Bow and stern handles;
Dual side handles at the knees and at the exact midpoint of the boat weight-wise,  making it easy to carry single-handedly.
Rear deck rigging.


Boost X 
Beginner to Intermediate
The Boost X features exceptional stability and comfort with more speed than the Cruze.

A full volume version of the Low Volume Boost X LV great for weight 50 – 120kg, except it is slightly more stable, wider in the seat which is also slightly deeper than the LV Version.

The Boost is aimed at entry to intermediate paddlers who are looking for a ski that is competitive on the flat, can ride the wash and handles well in the choppy conditions and pick up and ride the runs without compromising its stability.

Although it has good volume it is slightly narrower than most of its current competitors. It has a broad seatwell but the footwell is comfortably narrow.

Length: 5.95m
Beam: 51.0cm
Seat Width: 43.0cm
Seat Depth: 19.0cm
Boat Height: 35.0cm
Weight Class:  50 – 120kg

Bow and stern handles;

Dual side handles at the knees and at the exact midpoint of the boat weight-wise, making it easy to carry single-handedly;
Rear deck rigging.


Vault X 
Intermediate level – Low Volume ski:
A low volume version of the Zest X for people 80kg and less; the best intermediate all rounder ski on the market for lighter paddlers.

You sit high on the elevated seat, so you get the feeling you are able to get your body weight and power down over the stroke. You will be pleasantly surprised with how remarkably stable this surfski is in any conditions. Easy to get onto and link the runs in the downwind and wash-ride.

Length: 6.1m
Beam: 46.0cm
Seat Width: 40.0cm
Seat Depth: 18.0cm
Boat Height: 32.0cm
Weight Class: 55-80kg

Dual side handles at the knees and at the exact midpoint of the boat weight-wise, making it easy to carry single-handedly;
Rear deck rigging;
Stern handle.

Zest X 
The Zest X offers good performance in all conditions; suitable for 75-120kg people and slightly more stable than the low volume Vault X.

With added stability, the paddler can experience increased confidence in his/her ocean paddling without sacrificing technique and or performance.

You will be pleasantly surprised with how remarkably stable this surfski is in any conditions. Easy to get onto and link the runs in the downwind.

Length: 6.15m
Beam: 48.0cm
Seat Width: 43.0cm
Seat Depth: 19.0cm
Boat Height: 35.0cm
Weight Class: 75-120kg

Bow & Stern Handles;
Dual side handles at the knees and at the exact midpoint of the boat weight-wise, making it easy to carry single-handedly;
Rear deck rigging.

Flash X
Elite level
A full volume ski, completely re-constructed and the first models currently being released. 6,3m in length & width 42.5cm

Flash X is the surfski for experienced paddlers over 70kg. This is the fastest boat in the Carbonology range currently.

The volume in the bow and throughout the ski is very similar to all the other skis of that size and length. The ski could best described as a longer, thinner Vault. With a longer footwell as well and lower hump, a much better leg drive is achieved. This provides an aggressive seating position without a “nose up” feel as in other skis.

It turns very well and catches waves and runs the same as the Vault X in testing. The rocker is also the same as the Vault X and also has a very nice glide feeling from the longer waterline.

This is an impressive boat for the experienced intermediate paddler or rough water ski for elite paddler. If you are in the market, get out there & try it out…….given the subjective nature of ski preferences, this might surprise you.

Carbonology have integrated a one-way valve system into their bullet scuppers that stops the footwell from filling with water when you slow to a stop. Great at the start of a race.

Length: 6.35m
Beam: 42.5cm
Seat Width: 39.0cm
Seat Depth: 21.0cm
Boat Depth: 25.0cm

Rear deck rigging;
One way valve bullet scuppers.


Construction & weight:
Glass Epoxy Vacuum 23kg

Hybrid Carbon/Glass Epoxy Vacuum 20kg
Carbon Foam Epoxy Vacuum 17kg
Carbon/Aramid/Foam/Honeycomb 16kg

Beginner to Intermediate
Latest addition to the doubles fleet and a perfect ski for entry to intermediate paddlers looking for fun, stability and speed – just like the Boost LV X great stability in all conditions. Meaning more regular paddling in all conditions.

With added stability, the paddler can experience increased confidence in his/her ocean paddling without sacrificing performance.

The shorter length of the SS2 Boost and added rocker in the nose and tail enables to boat to pick up and surf the downwind runs very efficiently.

The seat bucket is shallow and the ski is easy to remount

Length: 7.2m
Beam: 52.0cm
Seat Width: 43.0cm
Seat Depth: 19.0cm
Boat Height: 35.0cm
Weight Class: All

Front seat cockpit handle;
Stern Handle;
Rear deck rigging.

Has been designed to suit intermediate paddlers with more volume and therefore more stablity.

A step up from the entry level Boost, the Zest offers fantastic performance in all conditions with added stability in comparison to racing/advanced surf skis.  With added stability, the paddler can experience increased confidence in his/her ocean paddling without sacrificing performance.

Length: 7.2m
Beam: 50.0cm
Seat Width: 42.5cm
Seat Depth: 20.0cm
Boat Height: 38.0cm
Weight Class:  All

Front seat cockpit handle;
Stern Handle;
Rear deck rigging.

Blast X
Speak to the owners of this ski in DOSC Ocean Paddlers club. The Blast is said to be very fast with an aggressive seating position that slices through anything and runs like a dream.

Length: 7.4m
Beam: 46.0cm
Seat Width: 39.0cm
Seat Depth: 24.0cm
Boat Height: 41.0cm
Weight Class: All

Front seat cockpit handle;
Stern Handle.


To further inquire / order any CARBONOLOGY ski, please contact us at: / +971 58 587 9161

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